How to Clean Bacon Grease From Pans

How to Clean Bacon Grease From Pans

Discover effective methods for cleaning off bacon grease from pans, as well as tips for preventing stains in the future.

After whipping up a big breakfast in honor of International Bacon Day, you may be left wondering how exactly to clean bacon grease or fat off a pan. Discover effective methods for cleaning off bacon grease, as well as tips for preventing stains in the future.

Methods for Cleaning Bacon Grease From Pans

Learn simple hand washing methods to get your pans and baking sheets spotless again.

  • Baking Soda

Make a paste with water and baking soda. Alternatively, you can also sprinkle baking soda directly on a moist sponge. Rub the paste or sponge directly on the pan or on affected areas until the grease spots are gone. Use a wet towel or cloth to clean up any remaining baking soda.

Pro tip: To make cleaning off bacon grease easier, pour off as much grease as you can into a heat-safe container before cleaning.

  • Vinegar

Put white vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray it onto the pan. Allow it to sit for up to 5 minutes. Use a clean sponge or paper towel to wipe it clean, plus warm water to flush off oil.

  • Flour

Sprinkle flour directly on the bacon grease to soak up the spill. Allow it to sit for up to 15 minutes. Brush off the flour, and then proceed to wipe the area with a towel, using warm water to flush off the oil.

  • Potato

Potatoes can break up stains caused by rust, iron, and tannins since they contain oxalic acid. Simply place the potato in the pan, add water, and bring it to a boil. Any stuck-on remnants or grease should be easily removed.

  • Dish Soap

Immediately after using, soak the pan in warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to clean off the grease. Rinse with hot water.

Pro tip: Hot water is more effective at loosening grease than cold water.

  • Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Dishwashing Liquid

Make a paste using baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing liquid. Use a sponge to scrub the paste directly onto the pan. Allow it to sit for up to 2 hours, until the paste is fully dried. Use a new sponge or old toothbrush to scrub the pan using hot water.

  • Soaking in Warm Water

Immediately after use, soak the pan in warm, soapy water to loosen the grease. Then use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to clean off the grease. Rinse with hot water.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clean burnt or charred bacon off a pan?

Apply baking soda and salt directly onto the affected areas of the burnt pan. Apply vinegar on top. Allow the mixture to sit for up to 10 minutes. Use a scouring brush to scrub off the grease. Repeat, adding dishwashing liquid occasionally until all the grease is gone. Rinse with hot water.

Pro tip: For stubborn grease, you can apply oven cleaner onto the burnt area. Allow it to sit for up to 4 hours before scrubbing with hot water.

How do I clean bacon and grease off different types of pans?

  • Non-Stick: Most non-stick pans are coated with Teflon, a synthetic chemical that should not be rinsed with an abrasive cleaner. Soak the pan in vinegar for up to 2 hours. Once done, remove the pan and then scrub it with dish soap. Rinse with hot water.
  • Aluminum: Add a dishwashing liquid to the pan, as well as water. Put the pan on the stove and bring the water to a boil for up to 10 minutes. Then allow the water to cool. Use a stainless steel scouring pad to scrub the pan until the grease is gone.
  • Cast Iron: Fill half of the pan with hot water, scrubbing it with a non-abrasive sponge or brush. Place the pan on the stove, and using the medium setting, let the water evaporate. Dampen a paper towel with vegetable oil and use it to wipe the pan. Remove any remaining grease with a clean paper towel or cloth.

How can I prevent pan stains?

Keep stains from becoming difficult to wash by washing pans immediately after frying bacon, as much as possible. Allow the grease to loosen by soaking pans in warm, soapy water. To avoid sticking and burning, opt for cast iron skillets or non-stick pans.

For smaller water pans, take a damp sponge and sprinkle it with some baking soda. Wipe down the pan and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. You can also use natural ingredients such as lemons or potatoes to tackle these stains.

What ingredients or materials should I avoid?

Abrasive cleaners such as steel wool and calcium carbonate can damage pan surfaces. Instead, use dish brushes and plant-based scrubbing pads.

How do I clean hardened bacon grease?

Pour white vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray it onto the pan. Allow it to sit for up to 5 minutes, or longer depending how hard the grease has become. Use a clean sponge or paper towel to wipe it clean. Rinse with hot water.