10 Ways to Avoid the Use of Microplastics

10 Ways to Avoid the Use of Microplastics

Dive into what microplastics are, why they’re a problem, and how you can minimize their presence in your home.
What Biodegradable Really Means

What Biodegradable Really Means

Dive in and unravel the true meaning behind “biodegradable,” and why it’s a term you’ll want to look for when shopping for your household cleaning products.
Glass vs. Refill Pouches: The Benefits, Limitations & More

Glass vs. Refill Pouches: The Benefits, Limitations & More

When it comes to glass versus refill pouches, discover their benefits, limitations, and where they stand when it comes to a more sustainable future.
The Benefits and Limitations of Refillable Packaging

The Benefits and Limitations of Refillable Packaging

Let’s take a look at how refillable packaging can work towards lessening waste and what Puracy is doing towards a more sustainable future.